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Contact us

Customer support

Hotline for customers who need immediate assistance in using our services

Company office

The central office of the company is located at the address

Zaliznychna street, 30a, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000
Cooperation with us

For cooperation or if you have any other questions regarding the company, please contact us using the following contacts

Popular questions

What routes can I buy tickets for?
We are just beginning our journey, so we currently have routes available to - Warsaw, Katowice, Krakow and Wroclaw. However, soon there will be many more - follow the updates on our website. For your convenience, on the website's main page, there is a search with additional filters to find the most suitable destination for you.

Travel to Poland with us

Visit popular cities with us, go to the search and look for a destination that interests you.

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